Jakarta - Bertemunya Inter Milan dengan Bayern Munich di babak perdelapanfinal Liga Champions musim ini adalah ulangan dari final tahun lalu. Namun situasi sudah jauh berbeda.
Duel Inter kontra Bayern menjadi salah satu highlight usai dilakukannya undian 16 Besar di Jenewa, Swiss, Jumat (17/12/2010).
Pertemuan keduanya adalah ulangan final tahun lalu di mana saat itu Inter unggul 2-0 atas Bayern berkat dua gol Diego Milito. Partai puncak saat itu dipanggungkan di Stadion Santiago Bernabeu, Madrid.
Namun situasi tahun ini sedikit berbeda karena baik Inter maupun Bayern sedang kurang prima di liga domestik. Tapi Bayern sedikit lebih baik karena mereka masih tampil apik di Liga Champions, sedangkan Inter sedikit kurang.
Pergantian pelatih yang terjadi di Inter awal musim ini sepertinya kurang mulus berjalan. Peralihan dari pelatih sukses Jose Mourinho kepada Rafa Benitez belum memperlihatkan hasil menjanjikan.
Walau begitu, mengingat duel pertama saja baru berlangsung 15-16 atau 22-23 Februari, maka masih cukup banyak waktu buat seluruh kontestan untuk memperbaiki dan menyiapkan diri.
Arsenal vs Barca, Duel Sepakbola Indah
Yang tidak kalah menarik dari hasil undian kali ini adalah bertemunya Arsenal menghadapi Barcelona. Seperti sudah diketahui, keduanya adalah tim yang konsisten memperlihatkan penampilan ofensif di lapangan.
Pertemuan Arsenal kontra Barca akan jadi pembuktian mana gaya sepakbola indah yang lebih unggul dibanding yang lainnya.
Jadwal perdelapanfinal Liga Champions:
Leg 1: 15-16 atau 22-23 Februari 2011
Leg 2: 8-9 atau 15-16 Maret 2011
sumber : www.detiksport.com
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Jumat, 17 Desember 2010
Presiden SBY Tonton Semifinal Kedua
Jakarta - Perjuangan timnas Indonesia di semifinal kedua AFF Suzuki Cup 2010 dengan menghadapi Filipina akan kembali disaksikan oleh Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.
Hal itu dipastikan oleh Menteri Negara Pemuda dan Olahraga, Andi Mallarangeng, sebelum mengikuti sidang kabinet di Kantor Presiden, Jumat (17/12/2010).
"Insya Allah, Presiden akan menonton lagi," ujar Andi kepada para wartawan.
Presiden SBY mulai menyaksikan perjuangan Firman Utina dkk di Piala AFF pada laga pertama semifinal. Di depan orang nomor satu di Indonesia itu, 'Merah Putih' unggul 1-0.
Andi berharap kehadiran Presiden SBY di semifinal kedua, Minggu (19/12/2010), bisa menyuntik semangat para pemain agar bisa menjejak final kejuaraan sepakbola paling bergengsi di Asia Tenggara itu.
"Presiden akan menonton lagi dan itu sangat bagus buat menambah semangat para pemain," tukas Andi.
Kemenangan 1-0 Indonesia atas Filipina seakan menghapus mitos bahwa kehadiran Presiden akan membuat Indonesia meraih hasil buruk. Dua kali Presiden menyaksikan timnas berlaga, yakni di Piala Asia 2007 dan saat menghadapi Uruguay Oktober silam, tim 'Garuda' selalu kalah.
sumber : www.detiksport.com
Hal itu dipastikan oleh Menteri Negara Pemuda dan Olahraga, Andi Mallarangeng, sebelum mengikuti sidang kabinet di Kantor Presiden, Jumat (17/12/2010).
"Insya Allah, Presiden akan menonton lagi," ujar Andi kepada para wartawan.
Presiden SBY mulai menyaksikan perjuangan Firman Utina dkk di Piala AFF pada laga pertama semifinal. Di depan orang nomor satu di Indonesia itu, 'Merah Putih' unggul 1-0.
Andi berharap kehadiran Presiden SBY di semifinal kedua, Minggu (19/12/2010), bisa menyuntik semangat para pemain agar bisa menjejak final kejuaraan sepakbola paling bergengsi di Asia Tenggara itu.
"Presiden akan menonton lagi dan itu sangat bagus buat menambah semangat para pemain," tukas Andi.
Kemenangan 1-0 Indonesia atas Filipina seakan menghapus mitos bahwa kehadiran Presiden akan membuat Indonesia meraih hasil buruk. Dua kali Presiden menyaksikan timnas berlaga, yakni di Piala Asia 2007 dan saat menghadapi Uruguay Oktober silam, tim 'Garuda' selalu kalah.
sumber : www.detiksport.com
Menpora Soal Bonus Timnas dan Naturalisasi
Jakarta - Menteri Pemuda dan Olahraga Andi Mallarangeng berbicara panjang lebar soal wacana naturalisasi yang sedang menjadi tren, terkait sepak terjang timnas sepakbola di ajang Piala AFF.
Berikut ini petikan wawancara Andi dengan wartawan sebelum mengikuti Sidang Kabinet di Kantor Presiden, Jakarta, Jumat (17/12/2010), mulai dari bonus untuk skuad "Garuda" sampai pemain lain yang akan dinaturalisasi:
Timnas sejauh ini sudah tampil baik dan masuk semifinal. Apakah pemerintah akan memberikan penghargaan tertentu?
Yang namanya penghargaan pasti ada. Tapi nantilah kalau juara. Ini kan kita baru setengah jalan. Mari kita berharap dan berdoa agar timnas terus menang,
Pemberian penghargaan terhadap timnas dan olahragawan adalah wajar. Sebab, olahragawan beda dengan wartawan, masa kerjanya sangat singkat. Usia 30 rata-rata sudah harus pensiun. Kalau wartawan 'kan seperti Pak Rosihan Anwar, masih produktif meski sudah 90 tahun. Jadi wajar kalau kita kasih penghargaan.
Pasca kemenangan (atas Filipina) kemarin, penonton pasti makin membludak. Harga tiket hari Minggu akan dinaikkan?
Kita harapkan harga tiket tetap terjangkau buat masyarakat. Yang kemarin itu cukup terjangkau, dan yang paling penting tertib. Kita semua menikmati permainan-permainan cantik. Harapan kita penonton tidak lagi membawa petasan di stadion.
Presiden mau nonton lagi untuk semifinal kedua?
Insya Allah. Pemain-pemain timnas meminta Presiden kembali menonton. Kayaknya presiden akan nonton lagi dan itu bagus sekali, menambah semangat bagi timnas. Yang penting, yang ingin kita lakukan, ini saatnya semua bersatu mulai dari petani sampai presiden. Semua bersatu mendukung timnas.
Katanya akan ada tujuh naturalisasi lagi. Betulkah itu?
Naturalisasi adalah sebuah kebijakan yang kami ambil, sejak saya jadi menteri. Memang wacananya sudah sejak lama, tapi sikapnya pada waktu itu belum jelas betul antara PSSI, pemerintah, dan UU kewarganegaraan juga sesuatu yg baru.
Setelah saya jadi menteri, saya lihat Cristian Gonzales sudah mengajukan naturalisasi sejak lima tahun lalu. Saya lapor ke Presiden, dan Presiden juga setuju agar kebijakan naturalisasi menjadi jelas. Pertama, bahwa dibuka kebijakan naturalisasi kepada semua atlet nasional kita adalah untuk semua cabang olahraga, tidak cuma sepakbola. Prosedurnya, PB olahraga mengajukan ke Menpora, lalu Menpora menyetujui, lalu kirim ke Menhumham. Oleh Menhumham diproses sesuai UU Kewarganegaraan.
Bagi olahragawan, di situ ada klausul-klausul yang mengatakan bahwa jika untuk hal-hal yang dia bisa berguna bagi bangsa dan negara, maka prosesnya dipercepat. Bagi saya, olahragawan ini adalah orang yang membela Merah Putih, dan wajar bila ada prosedur-prosedur yang dipercepat prosesnya. Tapi semua kelengkapannya, seperti status kewarganegaraan lama harus mereka lepas dulu untuk kemudian dinaturalisasi. Sekarang ada satu atau dua-tiga lagi yang sedang diproses untuk sepakbola, termasuk Kim Kurniawan.
Kebijakan naturalisasi kita tujukan kepada atlet keturunan Indonesia atau yang punya keluarga di Indonesia. Seperti Gonzales, istrinya 'kan WNI. Kim Kurniawan itu bapaknya orang Indonesia, cuma dia kemudian WN Jerman. Kalau Irfan Bachdim, dia adalah WNI dan berpaspor Indonesia tapi lahir dan besar di luar negeri (Belanda), dan kini dia pulang kampung untuk bela Merah Putih.
Kapan Kim akan diproses?
Ada kira-kira perlengkapannya yang masih perlu diselesaikan. Staf saya dari PSSI dan Kim sedang melengkapinya. Baru setelah itu, dokumennya diproses lagi. Menkumham sudah menjawab ada beberapa yg perlu dilengkapi lagi, maka kami coba segera lengkapi.
Apakah bersedia melepaskan kewarganegaaran yang lama, karena RI ini tidak bisa dimadu, harus satu kewarganegaraa. Kalau di Filipina bisa dwi kewarganegaraan. Jadi, naturalisasi Filipina, dia sekaligus warga negara Inggris. Jadi tidak ada masalah bila sekali waktu timnas Inggris main lagi, dia bisa ke sana lagi.
Di sini dia harus lepas kewarganegaraan yang lama, seperti Gonzales yang melepaskan kewarganegaraan Uruguay. Yang lain juga begitu, semuanya sama, tidak hanya untuk sepakbola, tapi semua cabang olahraga yang lain.
Menteri luar negeri juga sudah menugaskan kepada seluruh KBRI dan konjen sebagai pemantau bakat. Karena 'kan mereka yang tahu kondisi dan melihat ada WNI atau keturunan Indonesia yang pintar main bola, catur, panahan, lari, atau apa saja yang dianggap pantas. Maka akan dilaporkan. Lalu akan ada tes PRIMA (Program Indonesia Emas). dan bila yang bersangkutan bersedia, apakah mau melamar menjdi WNI, maka kita proses naturalisasi. Bila dia pemegang paspor Indonesia, maka akan langsung masuk program Prima.
Tapi yang fundamental, pembinaan olahraga di dalam negeri harus jadi tulang punggung prestasi pembangunan olahraga di Indonesia. Tulang punggungnya tetap pembinaan olahraga di dalam negeri, mulai dari usia dini. Naturalisasi hanyalah terobosan jangka pendek yang kita perlukan untuk dinamisasi timnas. Contohnya sepakbola, tanpa adanya terobosan ini, maka daerah akan lesu terus. maka perlu disuntik vitamin ini.
Dua naturalisasi lagi, siapa?
Satu, Kim kurniawan, satu lagi keturunan Maluku di Belanda, saya lupa namanya. Radja Nainggolan yang bermain buat Belgia juga bagus. Tapi ada beberapa yang minta dwi kewarganegaaran, saya bilang tidak bisa.
sumber : www.detiksport.com
Berikut ini petikan wawancara Andi dengan wartawan sebelum mengikuti Sidang Kabinet di Kantor Presiden, Jakarta, Jumat (17/12/2010), mulai dari bonus untuk skuad "Garuda" sampai pemain lain yang akan dinaturalisasi:
Timnas sejauh ini sudah tampil baik dan masuk semifinal. Apakah pemerintah akan memberikan penghargaan tertentu?
Yang namanya penghargaan pasti ada. Tapi nantilah kalau juara. Ini kan kita baru setengah jalan. Mari kita berharap dan berdoa agar timnas terus menang,
Pemberian penghargaan terhadap timnas dan olahragawan adalah wajar. Sebab, olahragawan beda dengan wartawan, masa kerjanya sangat singkat. Usia 30 rata-rata sudah harus pensiun. Kalau wartawan 'kan seperti Pak Rosihan Anwar, masih produktif meski sudah 90 tahun. Jadi wajar kalau kita kasih penghargaan.
Pasca kemenangan (atas Filipina) kemarin, penonton pasti makin membludak. Harga tiket hari Minggu akan dinaikkan?
Kita harapkan harga tiket tetap terjangkau buat masyarakat. Yang kemarin itu cukup terjangkau, dan yang paling penting tertib. Kita semua menikmati permainan-permainan cantik. Harapan kita penonton tidak lagi membawa petasan di stadion.
Presiden mau nonton lagi untuk semifinal kedua?
Insya Allah. Pemain-pemain timnas meminta Presiden kembali menonton. Kayaknya presiden akan nonton lagi dan itu bagus sekali, menambah semangat bagi timnas. Yang penting, yang ingin kita lakukan, ini saatnya semua bersatu mulai dari petani sampai presiden. Semua bersatu mendukung timnas.
Katanya akan ada tujuh naturalisasi lagi. Betulkah itu?
Naturalisasi adalah sebuah kebijakan yang kami ambil, sejak saya jadi menteri. Memang wacananya sudah sejak lama, tapi sikapnya pada waktu itu belum jelas betul antara PSSI, pemerintah, dan UU kewarganegaraan juga sesuatu yg baru.
Setelah saya jadi menteri, saya lihat Cristian Gonzales sudah mengajukan naturalisasi sejak lima tahun lalu. Saya lapor ke Presiden, dan Presiden juga setuju agar kebijakan naturalisasi menjadi jelas. Pertama, bahwa dibuka kebijakan naturalisasi kepada semua atlet nasional kita adalah untuk semua cabang olahraga, tidak cuma sepakbola. Prosedurnya, PB olahraga mengajukan ke Menpora, lalu Menpora menyetujui, lalu kirim ke Menhumham. Oleh Menhumham diproses sesuai UU Kewarganegaraan.
Bagi olahragawan, di situ ada klausul-klausul yang mengatakan bahwa jika untuk hal-hal yang dia bisa berguna bagi bangsa dan negara, maka prosesnya dipercepat. Bagi saya, olahragawan ini adalah orang yang membela Merah Putih, dan wajar bila ada prosedur-prosedur yang dipercepat prosesnya. Tapi semua kelengkapannya, seperti status kewarganegaraan lama harus mereka lepas dulu untuk kemudian dinaturalisasi. Sekarang ada satu atau dua-tiga lagi yang sedang diproses untuk sepakbola, termasuk Kim Kurniawan.
Kebijakan naturalisasi kita tujukan kepada atlet keturunan Indonesia atau yang punya keluarga di Indonesia. Seperti Gonzales, istrinya 'kan WNI. Kim Kurniawan itu bapaknya orang Indonesia, cuma dia kemudian WN Jerman. Kalau Irfan Bachdim, dia adalah WNI dan berpaspor Indonesia tapi lahir dan besar di luar negeri (Belanda), dan kini dia pulang kampung untuk bela Merah Putih.
Kapan Kim akan diproses?
Ada kira-kira perlengkapannya yang masih perlu diselesaikan. Staf saya dari PSSI dan Kim sedang melengkapinya. Baru setelah itu, dokumennya diproses lagi. Menkumham sudah menjawab ada beberapa yg perlu dilengkapi lagi, maka kami coba segera lengkapi.
Apakah bersedia melepaskan kewarganegaaran yang lama, karena RI ini tidak bisa dimadu, harus satu kewarganegaraa. Kalau di Filipina bisa dwi kewarganegaraan. Jadi, naturalisasi Filipina, dia sekaligus warga negara Inggris. Jadi tidak ada masalah bila sekali waktu timnas Inggris main lagi, dia bisa ke sana lagi.
Di sini dia harus lepas kewarganegaraan yang lama, seperti Gonzales yang melepaskan kewarganegaraan Uruguay. Yang lain juga begitu, semuanya sama, tidak hanya untuk sepakbola, tapi semua cabang olahraga yang lain.
Menteri luar negeri juga sudah menugaskan kepada seluruh KBRI dan konjen sebagai pemantau bakat. Karena 'kan mereka yang tahu kondisi dan melihat ada WNI atau keturunan Indonesia yang pintar main bola, catur, panahan, lari, atau apa saja yang dianggap pantas. Maka akan dilaporkan. Lalu akan ada tes PRIMA (Program Indonesia Emas). dan bila yang bersangkutan bersedia, apakah mau melamar menjdi WNI, maka kita proses naturalisasi. Bila dia pemegang paspor Indonesia, maka akan langsung masuk program Prima.
Tapi yang fundamental, pembinaan olahraga di dalam negeri harus jadi tulang punggung prestasi pembangunan olahraga di Indonesia. Tulang punggungnya tetap pembinaan olahraga di dalam negeri, mulai dari usia dini. Naturalisasi hanyalah terobosan jangka pendek yang kita perlukan untuk dinamisasi timnas. Contohnya sepakbola, tanpa adanya terobosan ini, maka daerah akan lesu terus. maka perlu disuntik vitamin ini.
Dua naturalisasi lagi, siapa?
Satu, Kim kurniawan, satu lagi keturunan Maluku di Belanda, saya lupa namanya. Radja Nainggolan yang bermain buat Belgia juga bagus. Tapi ada beberapa yang minta dwi kewarganegaaran, saya bilang tidak bisa.
sumber : www.detiksport.com
Irfan Cedera Ringan, Firman Latihan Terpisah
Jakarta - Striker Indonesia Irfan Bachdim mengalami cedera ringan jelang semifinal kedua Piala AFF lawan Filipina. Sementara Firman Utina berlatih terpisah dari rekan-rekannya.
Hari ini timnas Indonesia mengikuti sesi latihan sore di bawah komando pelatih Alfred Riedl dan asisten pelatih Wolfgang Pikal dan Widodo C. Putro. Latihan berlangsung mulai pukul 16.30-17.48 WIB di lapangan ABC Senayan, Jakarta.
Dalam latihan tersebut, Riedl tampak mengistirahatkan para pemain inti tim 'Merah Putih'. Sementara tim lapis kedua tampak digenjot.
Seusai latihan, pelatih asal Austria tersebut memberikan keterangan kepada wartawan. Ia membenarkan kabar soal cederanya Irfan Bachdim.
"Kami sudah melakukan latihan ringan. Beberapa pemain harus diistirahatkan dan ada yang mengalami cedera ringan, seperti Irfan," ujar pelatih 61 tahun ini.
Firman Utina tampak berlatih terpisah dalam latihan tersebut. Ia hanya lari-lari kecil keliling lapangan dan latihan fisik. Terkait kondisi sang wakil kapten, Riedl belum bisa memastikannya.
"Kondisinya masih harus dipantau lagi. Lagipula kami masih punya waktu dua hari lagi," sambungnya.
Sementara soal Muhammad Nasuha yang mengalami benturan di kepala dalam laga semifinal pertama, Riedl bisa memastikan kalau pemain Persija tersebut baik-baik saja.
"Nasuha baik-baik saja. Lihat saja, sekarang dia pakai bandage di kepala malah tambah ganteng," seloroh Riedl.
Hari ini timnas Indonesia mengikuti sesi latihan sore di bawah komando pelatih Alfred Riedl dan asisten pelatih Wolfgang Pikal dan Widodo C. Putro. Latihan berlangsung mulai pukul 16.30-17.48 WIB di lapangan ABC Senayan, Jakarta.
Dalam latihan tersebut, Riedl tampak mengistirahatkan para pemain inti tim 'Merah Putih'. Sementara tim lapis kedua tampak digenjot.
Seusai latihan, pelatih asal Austria tersebut memberikan keterangan kepada wartawan. Ia membenarkan kabar soal cederanya Irfan Bachdim.
"Kami sudah melakukan latihan ringan. Beberapa pemain harus diistirahatkan dan ada yang mengalami cedera ringan, seperti Irfan," ujar pelatih 61 tahun ini.
Firman Utina tampak berlatih terpisah dalam latihan tersebut. Ia hanya lari-lari kecil keliling lapangan dan latihan fisik. Terkait kondisi sang wakil kapten, Riedl belum bisa memastikannya.
"Kondisinya masih harus dipantau lagi. Lagipula kami masih punya waktu dua hari lagi," sambungnya.
Sementara soal Muhammad Nasuha yang mengalami benturan di kepala dalam laga semifinal pertama, Riedl bisa memastikan kalau pemain Persija tersebut baik-baik saja.
"Nasuha baik-baik saja. Lihat saja, sekarang dia pakai bandage di kepala malah tambah ganteng," seloroh Riedl.
Riedl Tak Risaukan Kartu Kuning Gonzales & Okto
Jakarta - Indonesia akan memainkan formasi yang sama di semifinal kedua AFF Suzuki Cup 2010 melawan Filipina. Cristian 'El Loco' Gonzales dan Oktovianus Maniani yang telah mengantongi kartu kuning tidak dirisaukan.
Gonzales dan Okto mendapatkan kartu kuning dalam laga semifinal pertama melawan Filipina, Kamis (16/12/2010) malam. Keduanya diganjar kartu kuning karena melakukan pelanggaran keras kepada pemain lawan.
Dengan 'tabungan' satu kartu kuning, keduanya dipastikan akan absen di laga final pertama jika di semifinal kedua Minggu (19/12/2010) besok dapat kartu kuning lagi. Absennya kedua pemain tersebut tentu akan sangat merugikan mengingat signifikansi peran mereka dalam permainan tim 'Merah Putih'.
Untuk menghindarinya, bisa saja mereka disimpan di laga semifinal kedua, dengan harapan Indonesia tetap menang dan mereka akan main di final. Namun asumsi ini langsung ditepis oleh pelatih Alfred Riedl. Ia menegaskan akan tetap memakai tim utama di leg 2.
"Mereka akan tetap dimainkan. Tidak ada waktu untuk istirahat," tegasnya kepada wartawan usai latihan timnas di Lapangan ABC Senayan, Jumat (17/12).
Sementara terkait strategi permainan, pelatih asal Austria ini memastikan tim Garuda akan tetap tampil menyerang. Ia menolak main bertahan meski sudah unggul 1-0.
"No. Kami bukan tim defensif. Pilihannya kita bermain terbuka atau kita bermain menyerang," pungkasnya.
Sumber : www.detiksport.com
Sabtu, 13 November 2010
Pacquiao beats Margarito in dominating performance
Manny Pacquiao (right) lands a punch against Antonio Margarito during the eleventh round of their WBC light middleweight title boxing match Saturday in Arlington, Texas (Sunday Jakarta). Pacquiao won the bout. (AP Photo/David J. Phillip)
Manny Pacquiao more than made up with speed what he lacked in size, turning Antonio Margarito into a bloody mess with a dizzying array of punches Saturday night in a lopsided decision victory.
In a spectacular performance before a delighted crowd of 41,734 at Cowboys Stadium, Pacquiao cemented his claim to being the best boxer in the world by dominating the bigger but slower Margarito almost from the opening bell.
Pacquiao won round after round, opening a cut on Margarito's cheek and closing his right eye.
The punches came quickly, and they came often. Margarito was plenty game as he tried to stalk Pacquiao around the ring, but every time he got close Pacquiao would land a four- or five-punch combination that snapped his head back and stopped him in his tracks.
The beating was so thorough that the congressman from the Philippines turned to referee Laurence Cole several times in the 11th round, imploring him to stop the fight. It went on, though, even though Margarito had no chance to win.
"I can't believe that I beat someone this big and this strong," Pacquiao said. "It's hard. I really do my best to win the fight."
Pacquiao moved up in weight yet again to take on Margarito, a natural welterweight with a reputation for ruggedness in the ring. And rugged he was, though he took a beating all night long at the hands of a faster and seemingly more powerful opponent.
"There was no way I was gong to quit. I'm a Mexican, we fight until the end," Margarito said.
Pacquiao won every round on one scorecard, 120-108, and was ahead 119-109 and 118-110 on the other two. The Associated Press had it a 120-108 shutout.
"We didn't lose a round," said Pacquiao's trainer, Freddie Roach. "I wish they would have stopped the fight."
That almost happened, but Cole allowed it to go on even as Margarito kept taking such a beating that he went directly to a hospital afterward for treatment of his cuts. There wasn't any way Margarito was going to win the fight, but he could still see out of one eye and wanted to continue.
"I told the referee, 'Look at his eyes, look at his cuts,"' Pacquiao said. "I did not want to damage him permanently. That's not what boxing is about."
Ringside punch stats reflected Pacquiao's dominance, showing him landing 474 punches to 229 for Margarito. But it wasn't just the sheer volume of punches, but the power in which they came at almost every angle.
Roach predicted before the fight that Pacquiao would carve Margarito apart because he was simply much too quick for his opponent. He did just that, starting from the first round when he landed an early flurry up the middle that seemed to set the tone for the fight.
It wasn't entirely easy, though. Pacquiao said Margarito hurt him in the middle rounds with shots to the head and the body, though he was unable to land more than one of two punches at a time. When he did manage to land, more often than not Pacquiao was there to fire right back with volleys of his own that found their mark almost every time.
"Manny is the best fighter in the world," said Margarito's trainer, Robert Garcia. "He is just too fast - very, very quick."
While there was no controversy in the ring, there was a dispute in the dressing room before the fight when a member of Pacquiao's camp saw a weight-loss supplement in Margarito's gear and demanded his blood be tested immediately for possible banned substances. Texas boxing officials ruled that would not be necessary, and the fight went on.
Roach also made sure he was in the dressing room to watch the hands of Margarito, who is still banned in California for a hand wrapping scandal, get wrapped. But it was Margarito's corner who demanded Roach also rewrap his fighter's hands in a display of gamemanship.
Once the fight started it didn't matter. Pacquiao landed some big left hands early, cutting Margarito beneath the right eye and causing it to swell. By the middle of the fight he couldn't see out of that eye and his left eye began closing, too.
The fight was for the WBC 154-pound title even though the contract weight was 150 pounds. Margarito weighed 150 at Friday's weigh-in, but was 165 on the unofficial HBO scale before the fight while Pacquiao, who had been 144.6, was 148 pounds.
Pacquiao also gave away 4{ inches in height and was at a six-inch reach disadvantage, but that didn't matter either.
Pacquiao earned a guaranteed $15 million, though he is likely to make millions more on his cut of the television revenues. He planned to give a concert at Lake Tahoe on Tuesday and then return to his political duties in the Philippines.
"I have another job after this," Pacquiao said. "I'm going back to the Philippines to do my other job and be a public servant."
Rabu, 10 November 2010
East Timor to donate $1m to Indonesia
East Timor would donate US$1 million to disaster survivors in Indonesia’s Mentawai islands, Mount Merapi and Wasior, an East Timor official said in Dili on Wednesday.
House of Representatives spokesman Antonio Ramos said Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao had conveyed his concerns about the recent disasters that hit three provinces in Indonesia.
“This is aid from the people of East Timor for Indonesia, particularly for the Mount Merapi eruption survivors,” Antonio said as quoted by Antara news agency.
East Timor Social Affairs Minister Maria Domingo Alves and Deputy Finance Minister Rui Hanjan have been nominated to hand over the aid to the Indonesian government.
The East Timorese government also asked the two officials to check on the 1,200 East Timorese students living in Yogyakarta and Surakarta, Central Java.
“If the conditions get worse, we will evacuate them soon,” Antonio said.
Jakarta to host international junior tennis champs
JAKARTA: The capital will host the Indonesian International Junior Tennis Championships 2010 at Gelora Bung Karno Sports Stadium in Senayan, Jakarta, from Nov. 16 to 21.
The championships, which are graded four by the International Tennis Federation, will feature 287 tennis players from 27 countries, including Indonesia.
“The championships is another perfect event for young Indonesian tennis players to grow their skills and mental ability by facing international players,” Indonesian Tennis Association chairwoman Martina Widjaja told a press conference in Jakarta on Wednesday.
Organizers will provide 12 gravel courts for international matches and eight hard courts for national-scale draws.
Tournament director Deddy Prasetyo hoped that the annual event would enable the nation to help its young and talented tennis players propser.
“I’m really expecting our players to reach the main draws,” he added.
The championships, which are graded four by the International Tennis Federation, will feature 287 tennis players from 27 countries, including Indonesia.
“The championships is another perfect event for young Indonesian tennis players to grow their skills and mental ability by facing international players,” Indonesian Tennis Association chairwoman Martina Widjaja told a press conference in Jakarta on Wednesday.
Organizers will provide 12 gravel courts for international matches and eight hard courts for national-scale draws.
Tournament director Deddy Prasetyo hoped that the annual event would enable the nation to help its young and talented tennis players propser.
“I’m really expecting our players to reach the main draws,” he added.
Football Focus: EPL prophecy: Liverpool top 4, United for title?
The English Premier League season is shaping up exactly as expected and in my mind there is still no doubt that Manchester United will be crowned champions next May.
That’s not to say that many of the events which occurred in the early part of the season were foreseen, it would have taken the fortune-telling abilities of Apollo to foresee such happenings.
For example, Liverpool dropping into the relegation zone or Wayne Rooney coming within an inch of leaving the hallowed turf of Manchester United, were unbelievable to pundits and commentators across the board.
However, at a time when teams have completed the first quarter of the season, it is starting to become evident who are the contenders, and the pretenders.
Manchester United will win the title because they have the greatest amount of players who decide games.
They also have the most complete squad in the league. If you consider that so far they have played poorly, especially away from home, and find themselves just two points behind Chelsea, it says a lot about what they can do when they start firing on all cylinders.
Considering what has happened at Old Trafford this season, they really should be struggling to keep their act together.
Their best player and key goal-getter, Rooney, has found the back of the net just once so far, is under-fire from a recent off-the-pitch scandal and has bridges to build after his threat to leave.
Besides the troubles surrounding their top striker, United have also failed to get the best out of their other core players.
Rio Ferdinand, Ryan Giggs, Michael Carrick and Dimitar Berbatov have all missed games with injuries and have yet to hit top form, while Antonio Valencia has only played a few games this season.
So far they have been able to get the job done thanks to two young players who have exceeded expectations — Nani, who is showing that he can be one of the stars in the Premier League, and Javier Hernandez who is showing a knack for scoring important goals even though his role for this campaign was penciled in as that of a cameo.
Can you imagine how good United will be when most of their players are fit and when they start getting in their usual flow? Scary...
You may ask how Chelsea can be so easily dismissed when they have been leading the league since day one? Well, they can’t. They still have top quality players and will challenge for the title all the way down to the last game.
But their players are aging and their squad is too thin. Furthermore, their priority is winning the European Champions League.
At the business end of the season, they will rest players in the domestic competitions to have them all fit
and ready for Europe; that means they will eventually succumb to United.
As far as Arsenal and Manchester City are concerned, they don’t have the experience or the stability to win the title.
The Gunners continue to show time and again they lack a leader on the field that can inspire a young and promising group of players to achieve greater things.
While City are still under construction and certain players’ egos will prevent them from building the kind of unity a team needs to lift trophies.
One final note concerning Liverpool. Before the season started, I predicted they could finish in second place.
That looks silly right now, but don’t discount the Reds making it into the top four by the end of the campaign.
With Roy Hodgson finally settling on a starting eleven he can rely on, and Fernando Torres rediscovering his scoring touch, the Anfield club could yet qualify for the Champions League.
There you have it, my progress report so far. And just like I predicted in August before a ball was kicked, this season the Premier League trophy will head back to Old Trafford. No ifs, buts or maybes...
CNN’s Pedro Pinto is a CNN sports anchor based in London, covering sports around the world. For more go towww.cnn.com/worldsport
That’s not to say that many of the events which occurred in the early part of the season were foreseen, it would have taken the fortune-telling abilities of Apollo to foresee such happenings.
For example, Liverpool dropping into the relegation zone or Wayne Rooney coming within an inch of leaving the hallowed turf of Manchester United, were unbelievable to pundits and commentators across the board.
However, at a time when teams have completed the first quarter of the season, it is starting to become evident who are the contenders, and the pretenders.
Manchester United will win the title because they have the greatest amount of players who decide games.
They also have the most complete squad in the league. If you consider that so far they have played poorly, especially away from home, and find themselves just two points behind Chelsea, it says a lot about what they can do when they start firing on all cylinders.
Considering what has happened at Old Trafford this season, they really should be struggling to keep their act together.
Their best player and key goal-getter, Rooney, has found the back of the net just once so far, is under-fire from a recent off-the-pitch scandal and has bridges to build after his threat to leave.
Besides the troubles surrounding their top striker, United have also failed to get the best out of their other core players.
Rio Ferdinand, Ryan Giggs, Michael Carrick and Dimitar Berbatov have all missed games with injuries and have yet to hit top form, while Antonio Valencia has only played a few games this season.
So far they have been able to get the job done thanks to two young players who have exceeded expectations — Nani, who is showing that he can be one of the stars in the Premier League, and Javier Hernandez who is showing a knack for scoring important goals even though his role for this campaign was penciled in as that of a cameo.
Can you imagine how good United will be when most of their players are fit and when they start getting in their usual flow? Scary...
You may ask how Chelsea can be so easily dismissed when they have been leading the league since day one? Well, they can’t. They still have top quality players and will challenge for the title all the way down to the last game.
But their players are aging and their squad is too thin. Furthermore, their priority is winning the European Champions League.
At the business end of the season, they will rest players in the domestic competitions to have them all fit
and ready for Europe; that means they will eventually succumb to United.
As far as Arsenal and Manchester City are concerned, they don’t have the experience or the stability to win the title.
The Gunners continue to show time and again they lack a leader on the field that can inspire a young and promising group of players to achieve greater things.
While City are still under construction and certain players’ egos will prevent them from building the kind of unity a team needs to lift trophies.
One final note concerning Liverpool. Before the season started, I predicted they could finish in second place.
That looks silly right now, but don’t discount the Reds making it into the top four by the end of the campaign.
With Roy Hodgson finally settling on a starting eleven he can rely on, and Fernando Torres rediscovering his scoring touch, the Anfield club could yet qualify for the Champions League.
There you have it, my progress report so far. And just like I predicted in August before a ball was kicked, this season the Premier League trophy will head back to Old Trafford. No ifs, buts or maybes...
CNN’s Pedro Pinto is a CNN sports anchor based in London, covering sports around the world. For more go towww.cnn.com/worldsport
Obama leaves RI, people breathe sigh of relief
A collective sigh of relief was heard throughout the capital on Wednesday when US President Barack Obama wrapped up his visit to the country.
Jakartans, who endured massive traffic congestion due to roadblocks over the past 24 hours and were under the watchful eyes of the secret service, police and military personnel, can now return to a Jakarta where its usual manic traffic can be said to be more bearable.
Jakartans, who endured massive traffic congestion due to roadblocks over the past 24 hours and were under the watchful eyes of the secret service, police and military personnel, can now return to a Jakarta where its usual manic traffic can be said to be more bearable.
Heppy Hapsari, a private employee said she was happy that Obama was finally leaving town.
“It’s lucky that he was only in the country for one day, I can’t imagine how bad things would have become if he was here for two or three days,” Heppy told The Jakarta Post.
She was stuck in traffic for one hour at the Semanggi Cloverleaf after police halted the traffic flowing through Sudirman to give way to Obama’s entourage, bound for the University of Indonesia campus in Depok.
Heppy considered herself in a more fortunate situation than her colleague, who had to return home and skipped work after giving up in a traffic jam.
Private employees who work along Jl. Sudirman have also complained about what they considered to be excessive security measures during Obama’s short visit to the country. In some places, the task of blocking traffic fell into the hands of anti-Obama protesters.
While Obama made his speech at the campus of the University of Indonesia (UI), dozens of protesters from the militant Muslim group Hizbut Thahrir Indonesia (HTI) blocked Jl. Lenteng Agung in South Jakarta as part of a demonstration against the US President’s visit to the country.
In the demonstration, protesters carried banners with messages condemning US policies including one that read “Barack Obama the Real Terrorist” and “The Obama Disaster is Worse than the Merapi Disaster”.
At the UI campus, beyond the security perimeters, scores of students rallied against Obama and US policies.
Earlier Wednesday, the road- block to secure the road for Obama’s entourage caused a massive traffic snarl which backed up to parts of Bogor, a city south of Jakarta.
Traffic along the main road connecting Bogor and Jakarta was brought to a halt two hours before Obama delivered his speech at the UI campus.
Some public transportation drivers refused to ply their routes, leaving passengers stranded.
The ongoing eruption of Mount Merapi in Yogyakarta forced US President Barack Obama to cut short his whirlwind Indonesian visit on Wednesday and depart several hours ahead of schedule.
After speaking to students at the University of Indonesia, Obama directly went to Halim Perdanakusuma Airport and left for Seoul, South Korea. Obama canceled a planned visit with President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono to Kalibata Heroes Cemetery to commemorate National Heroes Day.
Mt. Merapi in Central Java has spewed massive ash clouds and gas for over two weeks, killing more than 150 people, causing travel chaos and forcing the intermittent closure of nearby Adisucipto International Airport in Yogyakarta.
With no security disturbances reported while Obama was in town, the Jakarta Police claimed success of its security operation. In recent months prior to Obama’s visit, the National Police rounded up a number of terror suspects in the country.
“We are glad that no serious incidents occurred.
“This shows that our preventive measures have successfully been executed by our personnel,” Jakarta Police spokesman Sr. Comr. Boy Rafli Amar told the Post.
Indonesia is part of me, Obama says
After a heavy electoral defeat, US President Barack Obama received huge applause befitting a rock star from thousands of students as he delivered a nostalgic speech on his childhood, including some local lingo, praising Indonesia as a powerful force for tolerance.
An enthusiastic audience welcomed Obama as he appeared Wednesday morning on the podium of the graduation hall of the University of Indonesia’s Depok campus in Greater Jakarta.
An enthusiastic audience welcomed Obama as he appeared Wednesday morning on the podium of the graduation hall of the University of Indonesia’s Depok campus in Greater Jakarta.
“Assalamu’alaikum [peace be upon you]. Salam Sejahtera [prosperous greetings],” Obama, who wore a black suit, white shirt and blue tie, greeted the crowd.
Using Indonesian for a second time, Obama, who spent four years of his childhood in Jakarta, said: “Thank you for your warm welcome. Pulang kampung nih… [I’m coming home],” which caused a burst of applause and laughter.
Around 6,000 university, college and high school students from Greater Jakarta, university staff, Obama’s former classmates, prominent public figures, officials from embassies, former Indonesian president B.J. Habibie, Indonesian Cabinet ministers and government officials crowded the hall.
Obama, who claimed “Indonesia is a part of me”, recalled his memories as a boy who moved to a small house in 1967 in Menteng Dalam, Central Jakarta, after his mother married an Indonesian named Lolo Soetoro.
“I learned to love Indonesia while flying kites, running along paddy fields, catching dragonflies, and buying satay and bakso from the street vendors,” he said, adding that he used to call a satay vendor: “sate ...’,” to the laughing crowd.
“Most of all, I remember the people — the old men and women who welcomed us with smiles, the children who made a foreigner feel like a neighbor, and the teachers who helped me learn about the wider world,” he said.
Obama then praised Indonesia’s economic development and its transition from authoritarian rule to democracy as he touched upon the more serious topic of development, democracy and religion.
“Indonesia has charted its own course through an extraordinary democratic transformation — from the rule of an iron fist to the rule of the people. In recent years, the world has watched with hope and admiration, as Indonesians embraced the peaceful transfer of power and the direct election of leaders,” he said.
“Your achievements demonstrate that democracy and development reinforce one another,” he said, citing Bhineka Tunggal Ika (unity in diversity) as the foundation of Indonesia’s democracy.
This was the third major speech in a Muslim country after Egypt and Turkey over a year as part of his efforts to bridge the gap between the Western and Muslim worlds.
“In the 17 months that have passed we have made some progress, but much more work remains to be done,” Obama said.
“No single speech can eradicate years of mistrust” but he promised, “No matter what setbacks may come, the US is committed to human progress. That is who we are. That is what we have done. That is what we will do.”
He then praised Indonesia as example of a working pluralistic society. “Just as individuals are not defined solely by their faith, Indonesia is defined by more than its Muslim population.
“That is not to say that Indonesia is without imperfections. No nation is,” Obama said. “But here can be found the ability to bridge divides of race and regions and religions.”
Obama emphasized the importance of building bridge as the two countries committed to double the number of American and Indonesian students studying in each others’ countries.
“We want more Indonesian students in our schools, and more American students to come study in this country, so that we can forge new ties that will last well into this young century,” he said.
Obama closed his encounter with the Indonesians by getting off the stage and shaking hands with the audience in the front row.
Some of his former classmates shouted from the second row, calling, “Barry, long time no see”.
Later in the day Twitter was full of speculation about Obama’s ghostwriters, centering on two reportedly good looking young White House staffers.
Norway gives $1m to tsunami and Merapi victims
Norway announced US$1 million of assistance recently for the emergency relief efforts in disaster-affected areas.
“In this hard time of challenges and suffering, the Norwegian government and people want to reach out to a good close friend and demonstrate our strong solidarity,” Royal Norwegian Ambassador to Indonesia Ambassador Eivind S. Homme told The Jakarta Post on Wednesday.
Norwegian Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Stoere, who visited Indonesia recently, said that the tsunami that struck Mentawai Islands, West Sumatra, on Oct. 25 and the Mount Merapi eruptions had led to a great need for humanitarian assistance.
“Norway is therefore contributing $1million, which is being channeled through the Norwegian Red Cross to its Indonesian sister organization,” said Stoere in Jakarta on Monday.
He was referring to the Indonesian Red Cross.
Homme said the Norwegian funds would be used to support the emergency relief efforts and increase the capability of the Indonesian Red Cross to handle both disasters.
Boediono will not represent Yudhoyono at G-20, APEC Summits
President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono instructed Vice President Boediono to cancel his trip to the G-20 Summit in Seoul, South Korea, or the Asia- Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) CEO Summit, 30 minutes before Boediono was due to depart, on Wednesday evening.
According to kontan.co.id, Boediono and his entourage were ready to leave Jakarta at 10 p.m. on Wednesday.
However, Yudhoyono decided to attend the two summits himself, vice presidential spokesman Yopie Hidayat said, adding that Mount Merapi’s latest eruptions had affected the decision.
“The Merapi eruptions are now under control,” Yopie said, adding that Yudhoyono would fly to South Korea on Thursday at noon, but would continue to monitor the situation.
Merapi stabilizing, emergencies under control: SBY
President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono says it is now safe for him leave to attend the G-20 and APEC summits in South Korea and Japan, citing reports that Mount Merapi’s recent volcanic activity and associated relief efforts had stabilized.
Two hours before his departure on Thursday, Yudhoyono told a press conference that based on reports he had received from Indonesian volcanology center chief Surono on Wednesday evening, the Merapi situation was improving.
“We do not expect the Mount Merapi’s activity to change dramatically over the next two days," he said at the Presidential Office.
“The top alert status for [Merapi] will remain in place, and while there is no indication of worsening conditions, there is also no indication [the eruptions] will end soon.
“The analysis shows its activity has stabilized and there is a tendency [for such situations] to improve.”
Citing reports from National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) chief Syamsul Maarif, Yudhoyono also said the needs of 370,000 Merapi refugees were being handled relatively well.
“There have been some problems, but those are inevitable given the emergency situation.”
He said the administration had worked well in its handling of the aftermath of the tsunami in Mentawai, West Sumatra, and flash floods in Wasior, West Papua.
Yudhoyono instructed Coordinating People's Welfare Minister Agung Laksono to inspect all the three disaster-hit areas to monitor disaster relief efforts and rehabilitation activities.
He added he should attend the G-20 and APEC summits because of the “urgency” and importance of the meetings for Indonesia’s national interests.
Two hours before his departure on Thursday, Yudhoyono told a press conference that based on reports he had received from Indonesian volcanology center chief Surono on Wednesday evening, the Merapi situation was improving.
“We do not expect the Mount Merapi’s activity to change dramatically over the next two days," he said at the Presidential Office.
“The top alert status for [Merapi] will remain in place, and while there is no indication of worsening conditions, there is also no indication [the eruptions] will end soon.
“The analysis shows its activity has stabilized and there is a tendency [for such situations] to improve.”
Citing reports from National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) chief Syamsul Maarif, Yudhoyono also said the needs of 370,000 Merapi refugees were being handled relatively well.
“There have been some problems, but those are inevitable given the emergency situation.”
He said the administration had worked well in its handling of the aftermath of the tsunami in Mentawai, West Sumatra, and flash floods in Wasior, West Papua.
Yudhoyono instructed Coordinating People's Welfare Minister Agung Laksono to inspect all the three disaster-hit areas to monitor disaster relief efforts and rehabilitation activities.
He added he should attend the G-20 and APEC summits because of the “urgency” and importance of the meetings for Indonesia’s national interests.
Telkom revises its revenue growth, decline
The nation's number one telephone company, state-owned Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Telkom), has revised its revenue growth to decrease due to several adjustments, the company's executive said on Wednesday.
Telkom's director of finance Sudiro Asno said Telkom revised its revenue-growth target to 4-6 percent from the previous 9-11 percent.
"In the first nine months of this year, our revenue growth has not been as targeted," Sudiro told reporters in Jakarta.
Telkom has also cut its capital expenditure this year from the planned $2 billion to between $1.5 and $1.6 billion due to efficiency, Sudiro said.
"Infrastructure costs are decreasing, especially on Chinese technologies. We are also tightening Flexi's [Telkom's CDMA unit] budget," he added. (est)
South Korea-US hold last-ditch trade talks
South Korea and the United States made last ditch-efforts Thursday to salvage a free trade agreement that has stalled because of differences over autos and imports of American beef
Trade chiefs from the two countries held an extra session of midnight negotiations ahead of a scheduled meeting between Presidents Barack Obama and Lee Myung-bak later Thursday, officials said.
"If we can reach the standard for a fair trade agreement that the president has set out on particularly autos, we will move forward," White House spokesman Jen Psaki said in Seoul. "We hope to continue making progress."
The two sides have been holding make-or-break negotiations to infuse new life into the deal to slash tariffs and other barriers to trade that was signed in 2007 when previous administrations were in power. It remains unratified by lawmakers in both countries.
Progress has been slowed by U.S. demands that South Korea reduce its surplus in auto trade and further open its market for American beef. The global financial crisis in 2008 and recession that followed also sapped momentum.
The White House says the deal could add at least $10 billion to U.S. gross domestic product and boost exports to South Korea by $10 to $11 billion a year. It would be the largest U.S. trade deal since a 1994 agreement with Canada and Mexico.
Obama, who arrived in Seoul on Wednesday for a summit of the Group of 20 major economies, said in June he wants to send the free trade agreement to U.S. lawmakers within a "few months" after his summit with Lee.
"Failure cannot be an option," Thomas Donohue, president of the Washington-based U.S. Chamber of Commerce, told a meeting of the local American Chamber of Commerce in Korea on Wednesday.
Leaving the agreement unratified would cost U.S. jobs and exports as the European Union and individual countries implement free trade deals with Seoul, he said.
U.S. businesses have warned that the U.S. risks losing out to rivals, including the European Union which signed a free trade agreement with South Korea last month. They are aiming to have it take effect in July of next year.
South Korea, which has been aggressive in pursuing such deals, also has trade pacts in effect with India, the 10-member Association of Southeast Asian Nations and other countries.
Figures compiled by auto industry groups in South Korea show that it exported 449,403 vehicles to the U.S. last year, while South Koreans purchased 6,140 vehicles made by American manufacturers based on vehicle registrations.
Those figures do not include the 200,371 vehicles sold in the U.S. last year by Hyundai Motor Co. that were made at its American plant nor the 114,845 sold in South Korea by GM Daewoo Auto & Technology Co., the South Korean unit of General Motors Co.
The U.S. auto market is about 10 times bigger than South Korea's. There were 10.4 million vehicles sold in the United States last year. There were about 1.4 million sold in South Korea in 2009, according to the Korea Automobile Manufacturers Association.
South Korea halted imports of American beef after a Canadian-born cow infected with mad cow disease was discovered in the U.S. in 2003. Seoul eventually agreed to resume imports, but huge street demonstrations in response forced the government to backtrack and limit shipments to younger cows considered less at risk. The U.S. says its beef is safe.
Bilateral trade between South Korea and the U.S. totaled $66.7 billion in 2009, down sharply from $84.7 billion in 2008 as global commerce suffered during the economic downturn.
Peter Roskam, a member of a bipartisan working group in Congress committed to passing the free trade agreement, said he is optimistic the negotiations will succeed.
"I think there's an urgency to this," Roskam, a Republican from Illinois, said in Seoul.
He said the agreement will have an easier time getting ratified "if the auto issue and the beef issue are dealt with in a satisfactory manner."
He said the South Koreans have a history of being tough negotiators until the 11th hour. "That doesn't mean they (the remaining issues) can't be nailed down in a very, very short time," he said.
Police destroy confiscated drugs
Jakarta Police on Wednesday destroyed billions of rupiah worth of drugs recently confiscated from the Mitra Bahari apartment building in North Jakarta.
Police narcotics unit chief Adj. Com. Hendra Joni said the drugs destroyed included 1 kilogram of crystal methamphetamine and 209 ecstasy pills.
“The drugs were worth around Rp 50 billion,” Hendra said.
Narcotics unit third chief Com. Ruddy Setiawan said the drugs were confiscated during an operation conducted between Aug. 25 and early November.
Protests in Jakarta on Thursday
At least 11 demonstrations will be held in Jakarta and Tangerang on Thursday, Jakarta Police Traffic Management Center says.
In Tangerang, a protest began at 7 a.m. in front of PT Tifo Fiber Indonesia on Jl. MH Thamrin.
Other groups will hold rallies in front of the offices of PT JICT in Koja, South Jakarta, and the Industrial Relations Court (PHI) on Jl. MT Haryono in South Jakarta.
Protests are also expected in four other locations from around 9 a.m.. These locations are in front of the Administrative Reforms Ministry on Jl Jenderal Sudirman, and several other government ministries on Jl. HR Rasuna Said in South Jakarta.
Demonstrations are expected to be held at the office of state electricity company PT PLN on Jl. Trunojoyo in South Jakarta, and outside the Chinese Embassy in Kuningan, South Jakarta.
At noon, demonstrations are also expected to be held in front of the Jakarta Legislative Council on Jl. Kebun Sirih, Jakarta, and in front of the House of Representatives.
The center also informed that the Presidential Palace will be the site of a demonstration at 4 p.m.
SBY to head to G-20 Summit in Seoul on Thursday
After days of indecision, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono says he will head to South Korea to represent Indonesia at the G-20 summit in Seoul.
Yudhoyono said he had held off making the decision about his attendance because he wanted to make sure the disaster relief efforts were in order for the recent eruptions of Mount Merapi, and the tsunami in the Mentawai islands.
The President is scheduled to depart for Seoul from Jakarta’s Halim Perdanakusuma Airport in East Jakarta at 11.30 a.m. on Thursday, after granting hero and honorary medals to a number of Indonesians at a ceremony to commemorate the Nov. 10 Heroes’ Day at the State Palace.
As of Wednesday night, Yudhoyono had not said whether he would attend the G-20 summit or the APEC Summit in Yokohama, Japan.
Then, after a closed-door meeting late on Wednesday evening, the decision that Yudhoyono would attend the summit was announced to journalists.
Vice President Boediono had earlier been preparing to represent Indonesia at the summit, and was readying to leave Jakarta for Seoul on Wednesday evening, but Yudhoyono canceled his departure at the last minute.
National hero
Merapi destroys hundreds of hectares of forest
Merapi’s recent eruptions have destroyed more than 860 hectares of forest in the surrounding area, causing estimated initial losses of at least Rp 33 billion [US$3.66 million].
The eruption destroyed several areas of forest, including parts of the Gunung Merapi National Park (TNGM) in Sleman, Yogyakarta, as well as forests and plantations belonging to local residents.
The eruptions had killed more than 270,000 trees, Yogyakarta Forestry Agency secretary Kardina said.
The damaged areas of forest in the National Park had been closed to public indefinitely, Kardina said as quoted by Antara news agency.
“The eruption also forced animals to migrate to other areas, and destroyed Javanese eagle nesting sites.”
Madrid beats Atletico to stay top in Spain
Real Madrid maintained its 11-year unbeaten run over Atletico Madrid with a 2-0 victory Sunday that kept it top of the Spanish league despite Lionel Messi's 16th goal of the season inspiring Barcelona to victory at Getafe.
Madrid hasn't lost a Spanish capital derby since 1999 as first-half goals from Ricardo Carvalho and Mest Oezil ensured that streak stretched even longer.
Madrid stayed top of the standings with 26 points from 10 games, one better than Barcelona after the defending champion won 3-1 earlier.
Barcelona dominated at the Alfonso Perez stadium as midfielder Xavi Hernandez shook off a nagging Achilles injury o play.
Messi scored his eighth league goal after sweeping a pass from David Villa beyond goalkeeper Jordi Codina in the 23rd minute.
The Argentina forward returned the favor for Villa in the 34th as the striker hit his fifth goal of the season with a right-footed shot.
Messi then robbed defender ata Diaz in the 65th and Pedro Rodriguez slotted past Codina for his first goal of the season.
Getafe scored in the 70th after Gerard Pique was red carded for handling a pass inside the area. Manu del Moral stepped up to convert the penalty and become the club's all-time leading scorer from his 30th goal. "Playing with 10 they could come forward and that complicated our game," said goalkeeper Victor Valdes, who foiled Javier Arizmendi's clear chance in the 83rd. "But we dominated to perfection all the way."
Madrid also left little doubt as it made it 18 straight games without defeat to its westen city neighbor, whose last victory came at the same Santiago Bernabeu stadium.
Coach Jose Mourinho believes his club is getting stronger with every game.
"Today, again, for me was very good. Again the team stuck together and stayed mentally strong," the Portuguese coach said. "We're a team - not aperfect team, far from it - but in this moment we are a team and I'm happy."
David De Gea made early stops from Pepe and Sami Khedira before defender Ricardo Carvalho continued his run to receive a through ball from Angel Di Maria and slip the 13th-minute opener past the Atletico goalkeeper.
After Alaro Dominguez tugged Cristiano Ronaldo down on the right edge of the area, Mesut Oezil curled the resulting free kick around the flat-footed De Gea, who appeared to think Jose Antonio Reyes would block the 19th-minute shot.
Atletico finally began to create chances through Sergio Aguero's runs down the righ flank, but Diego Forlan's 29th-minute shot was deflected wide. Iker Casillas then got a hand up to stop Simao Sabrosa's effort from the subsequent corner.
Casillas was airborne again in the 36th to palm Reyes' shot out as Madrid eased off after its quick start.
Madrid striker Gonzalo Higuain smashed a volley off the post in the 47th, while Forlan volleyed his own chance off the post in the 61st.
Casillas dived to deny Aguero in the 84th while De Gea made stops from Ronaldo and Marcelo after that as Madrid stayed unbeaten.
"They have dangerous players up front who can create problems," Mourinho said. "For this, the 2-0 result is perfect for me."
Also, Villarreal rallied to beat Athletic Bilbao 4-1 to maintain its own title credentials with 23 points.
Fernando Llorente headed home his seventh of the season to open the scoring for Athletic after just seven minutes.
Brazil striker Nilmar started the recovery in the 39th with a header before Santi Cazorla put the hosts ahead in the 45th by scoring from an errant pass by goalkeeper Gorka Iraizoz.
Giuseppe Rossi scored his seventh of the season in the 84th and Jefferson Montero sealed a seventh straight win over Bilbao at El Madrigal stadium in injury time.
Also, Gabriel Fernandez's penalty in the sixth minute of injury time gave Zaragoza its first win of the season, a 3-2 win over Mallorca. Zaragoza moved out of last above Malaga on goal difference with both teams sharing seven points.
In Sunday's other games, it was: Almeria 1, Sporting Gijon 1; Osasuna 3, Hercules 0; and Levante 1, Deportivo La Coruna 2.
Espanyol is next with 18 after Saturday's 1-0 win over Malaga. Valencia, which plays Sevilla on Monday, has 17 points and Real Sociedad is on 16 after beating Racing Santander 1-0 Saturday.
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